Monday, July 27, 2015


What is your distraction currently in your life today? Just take a minute to think about it and also ask God to show you.

I hope that in the moment you took you became aware of the distractions in your life. You see being aware of your distractions is important. Not being aware is dangerous and harmful to your journey.
We sometimes may think our distractions aren't that big or even risky. However, they are big and risky.

Distractions will keep you from being focused on your calling, and ultimately you will lose focus on your mission. You can even become a slave to your distractions. Distractions can control and limit you. The scariest part is that distractions can blind you from seeing what’s important. This will leave you lost and stagnant. On your journey you can't travel with distractions, because it will hinder your vision. Look at the picture above, you can see that the rock is blocking the other side of the road. Can you see what’s behind that rock? It’s almost impossible to see what’s behind it! This is an example of what distractions can do to your life.
 Do you want to be able to see again? Are you ready to continue on your journey with vision? Now is that time. This is the day to start. You have been distracted for far too long. There is something waiting for you on the other side of that rock! No longer do you have time to entertain your distractions. It's time for you to put your priorities first, you only have 1 journey, so live it out to the best of your ability.

-Lady M

(Thanks for listening <3)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Inside of me

Image result for hurt black girlThere is this girl who has been locked away

she isn't happy any of her days

she walks around with these 10 min smiles

and often has to lie so one knows what she feels like inside

she breaks down her future with the hammer of doubt

                                                            leaving her with tiredness and burn-out

                                                                    She looks in the mirror and hates what she sees

 She sees that in this skin she is slowly dying from the insecurity disease

                                       Constantly she examines what she is not

                                             This leaves her mind on one thought


                                             Yup that girl with no purpose

The one who hides so cowardly behind her fears

The one who cant even shed tears

Who is too afraid of opening up

                                  The one who is always telling herself to just give up

                                     The one who never opens doors to new possibilities

Because she believes she does not have any capabilities

                                     She believes she could never be who she is meant to be

                                        Because she refuses to be set free

                                               She stays locked away

                                       Never wanting to experience a new way

                                        She finds comfort in trusting only herself

                               Because to many people placed her on a book shelf

                                           Why cant she just change

                                        Why is her heart so hard to rearrange

                                           Why cant there be some peace

                                       Its because its her heart she can't release.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Indifferent

Known to be the one who is different

The one who accepts the name indifferent

The one who does not go along with societies meanings

and feelings about life

The one who does not fit life's stereotypes.

but stabs ignorance deep with a knife

The one who never was named brave

But was once life's slave
With chains of opinion shackled to her mind

Which left her eyes of truth blind

She was once the one who always felt left behind

Just a fading memory that no one cared to find

She never would stand for her dreams

Instead she lost them in her eyes when she cried streams

She refused to hear her heart's screams

She would let them choke to death

Enough that she could fake joys breath

She was hiding and often lying

In the shadows she hid her desires 

She let her true self die in the fires

She wanted to be free in this life, however she only knew strife

A strife that was colored by brokenness, pain and fear

She could not see anything clear

Opinions of others brought her death and the ending of her life was near

She soon began to grow tired and weary 

Her life became more and more bleary.

She wanted a new beginning

Something or Someone that would give her meaning

That would leave her heart singing

But what and how would be so willing?

Whose love would be unending

And would be so forgiving



He saw all of her shame

And took on all of the blame

He gave her a new name

He wanted her to win

And know the beauty and truth that was within

He gave her beauty for her ashes

All because he took all of her sin's slashes

For her Father in heaven gave her more

He opened her heart's door

She non longer had to be the world's minion

because He  gave her dominion

She held captive every lie satan placed in her head 

She put on instead every word that He said

This is the beauty  in her Father's blood that was shed

You see it wasn't just an accident that she was born different

She was meant to accept the name indifferent

She was never meant to accept life's lies

She was born to rise

She was born again because God heard her  cries

He gave her  vision 

And the power to fight against division

He set her free 

To her calling he gave her the key

Inside waiting for her was a beautiful growing tree

You see

The one who was Known to be different

Was once me

But God showed me who I could really be

I was born to be His child

He looked upon me even in my sin and smiled

Why you may ask?
Because He was ready to take off my mask
He was ready to teach me a new task

To speak of his love
And how it can only be experienced from the one up above

You were made to be different my friends

Its time to stop looking through the wrong lens

Its time to experience a new name

You see life is not a game

You don't want your true life to burn up in a flame

It is your life he wants to claim

May this poem hit your hearts deeply

Because for your life he died and it was not paid cheaply.

The Struggles In Life

       If we were to take a magnifying glass to look at our lives from a distance what would we see? We might see  how many times someone has wronged us, how many times we  made mistakes, the times we failed or fell down, the pains of our heart's deepest secrets, and the tears we shed. In a sum we would see life's struggles. Looking back at life's struggles can either be difficult or easy for some us. However, we each can say at least we have learned or grown from one of those struggles. Now for another question why are struggles so important?

   Struggles shapes us into the person we're meant to be. Without struggles we would be trees slumping low, and dried out. Our branches would easily break because our soil, which is our foundation, would be weak, with little nutrience. We would be weak when winds blow, and rain pours. 

    You see struggles are the bitter sweet seeds that helps us grow. We may not like the first taste of those seeds, however the after taste is sweet. Struggles are a part of us and it makes us. Without them we would never be the person we were meant to be.

- Lady M

Phenomenal Woman

“Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms                                                                                      
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal womanThat's me.”      
― Maya Angelou