Sunday, January 10, 2016

Resting Place

She came to a stop
Deeply she breathed in and out and looked all around her
She had slammed right into this huge large fork
She felt her heart drop
What had her world come too
She wondered had she missed some type of clue
You see she was on a journey and this for her  wouldn't do
She looked around her even high to the sky
But it was looking pretty gray and dry
She started to panic because her wings were in pain 
and that meant she could no longer fly
All she could do was look at the the large fork in the road and ask why
She felt like this huge fork wanted her to just give up and no longer 
She fell and arched her face right in the dirt and began to cry
This darn fork was blocking her next step
She had so many goals and places to go she felt like if others knew she would lose her rep
She really didn't know what to do 
Because the wind just blew and blew
and her wings could not go over the big huge fork
and the more she looked at it, it just grew and grew
So from flying she withdrew 
She let her wings hide behind her back
She felt her shame and her heart and soul began to turn black
Her journey was off track
What was she to do
 Let her dreams rot like mildew 
Was she suppose to just wait
Would this throw her journey off and leave her coming in to late
Would she miss her goals date
This waiting game by this fork in the road she knew she would hate
But little did she know this was her journeys fate
This fork was the very thing that would make her feel great
Struggle is a part of the plan
This waiting  will teach her to always say  that she can
You see this young woman's wait was God saying stay her for awhile with me
Its God saying to her my daughter sit here and rest and don't you dare flee
For it is this very fork that holds your futures key
Without resting what could you really be
Your mind will go blank
Because you refuse to fill up your tank
Just listen to me and sit here and rest
Stop worrying about taking the next test
Stay right her my beautiful child and lay your head against my chest
You are tired and weary
and your vision has become bleary
So just sit here and rest
Because in waiting in me you will find my best
So cast your burden on me and I will sustain you
For I am the fork that you need to cleave to
And my daughter I shall never permit the righteous to be moved
And remember that no matter what happens even at this point that 
in me you are approved
She smiled at the fork in the road and new that it was true
She said Lord I love you
So she embraced the stop
and into rest she decided to drop.

(C) by: Michelle M