Wednesday, October 7, 2015


The day we give our hearts over to God, surrendering all we have, is the day we will discover freedom. His love will grow so deeply in our hearts, because there is finally room for him to love us fully. You see we have to make that room. We have to make that choice that God is all we need! There is nothing or no one who could be enough for us other than Christ! He is enough for us! He designed us to need Him! However, we try to recreate ourselves to be different from God's original design. We allow ourselves to be creator instead of creation. God sees our idolatry and yet we still say we love Him. To love God is to know Him. How can we know Him when we are to busy knowing other things? Creator and creation are not the same roles. Yet we try to make these two roles into what it was never created to be. God  should be our focus, not ourselves or people. When we allow God to take His rightful position in our lives, that is when all things will be in order. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."- Matt 6:33 Are we seeking God or creation? Let us be reminded that we did not design ourselves nor this earth. How dare we think we are higher than God. Imagine the hurt we cause Him. We can't say we love God and do as we want. That isn't love. We have taken love and placed our own definition on it, which then comes against God, because we care more about our personal desires. We should only be about our Father's business. What business do we have without Him? Freedom comes through total submission to God. This is also called obedience. We no longer will be slaves to sin. "For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin."- Romans 6:6  Let us leave what is old behind us! It is time to experience God's love in total surrenderance. That is how we will experience FREEDDOM.
""I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me"- Galatians 2:20

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

That Word We All Hate: FAILURE


I mean honestly who wants to talk about failure or the possibility that we all will fail at something in life? But the fact is we need to talk about it!


You see failure is important to discuss, because it is a part of success. 

Before we start.... Take a deep breath, because we are diving deep in today's topic. This may be hard to take in. 

It's important to understand that not one of us, and I mean not one of us is perfect. It's unrealistic for anyone to think their perfect. Not one person in history has been referred to as being “perfect”. Look at all the Presidents we've had. Do you remember any of them not making any mistakes? Look at Albert Einstein for example. Einstein is known in history to be the world’s #1 genius of all time, however; he was not always considered a genius. As a young child Einstein was thought to be slow by his teachers. He even was expelled from school, because of his rebellious ways. Yet, this is the same man that won the Nobel Prize and led the way for the United States through his research on the atomic bomb. How many times did Einstein fail? Well, we will never know that exact amount, but we do know he failed. His failure was a part of his growth, which ultimately led to his success.

How will we ever be able to succeed if we don't fail at something? I like to think of failure as the growing pains of life. Failure teaches and matures us. It gives us variety and ultimately becomes a teaching tool for us and others we come in contact with in life. When we fail at something it can become our very own lesson plan. We can use our lesson plan to teach someone else who may be facing the same experiences that we once faced. Failure helps us learn to not give up. If we truly learn to embrace failure we will learn to fight and excel beyond belief. Nothing in this world comes easy, if that was the case struggles would not exist. We will always be students in life no matter what age, because we are forever growing. 

Your greatest challenges are the stepping stones to success. Failure is seen to be negative, when in fact it is positive, because it is needed. It teaches us that we are not perfect, and that we are learners in life. How will we ever learn to lead if we have never failed before? That C you may have gotten will teach you to work for the A you desire. That failed relationship you had will teach you how to have a better relationship for the future. That mistake you made, is the same mistake you can teach someone else not to make. Embrace your failures. Learn that you aren't perfect and that's ok. Rome was not built in one day, and your story is not going to be written in one day either. It is an unending chapter full of losses and wins, and that my friends is all a part of the journey.

-CO:Michelle M

- Until Next Time- The Counselor

Monday, August 3, 2015

Life Is A Journey Not A Destination

Your journey is waiting for you today.It looks like a long road ahead I know. It may even be scary. However, it is waiting for you to start today. This journey may not be easy, but it is the journey that you must take. Why is it important to start this journey? It's important because this journey is your calling. It was designed just for you. There will be trials and tribulation in this journey, but don’t fear this, it will make you strong.  In this journey you will also experience joy and celebration; there will be special times you will never forget. You will fail and then get back up again. You will also experience growing pains that will mold you into the person you are meant to be. This journey is your life, and it is not a destination. Some of us have decided to settle and not take this journey. When you settle, you make up in your mind that you have reached your destination. A journey is completely different than that. When you take the journey of life you won't settle, because you want to grow and expand. On a journey you go after your dreams, and your dreams become reality. If you settle you will never know the amount of potential you have. If you are breathing right now it’s not too late. 

Start today! Get up and get going your journey is waiting for you!

Monday, July 27, 2015


What is your distraction currently in your life today? Just take a minute to think about it and also ask God to show you.

I hope that in the moment you took you became aware of the distractions in your life. You see being aware of your distractions is important. Not being aware is dangerous and harmful to your journey.
We sometimes may think our distractions aren't that big or even risky. However, they are big and risky.

Distractions will keep you from being focused on your calling, and ultimately you will lose focus on your mission. You can even become a slave to your distractions. Distractions can control and limit you. The scariest part is that distractions can blind you from seeing what’s important. This will leave you lost and stagnant. On your journey you can't travel with distractions, because it will hinder your vision. Look at the picture above, you can see that the rock is blocking the other side of the road. Can you see what’s behind that rock? It’s almost impossible to see what’s behind it! This is an example of what distractions can do to your life.
 Do you want to be able to see again? Are you ready to continue on your journey with vision? Now is that time. This is the day to start. You have been distracted for far too long. There is something waiting for you on the other side of that rock! No longer do you have time to entertain your distractions. It's time for you to put your priorities first, you only have 1 journey, so live it out to the best of your ability.

-Lady M

(Thanks for listening <3)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Inside of me

Image result for hurt black girlThere is this girl who has been locked away

she isn't happy any of her days

she walks around with these 10 min smiles

and often has to lie so one knows what she feels like inside

she breaks down her future with the hammer of doubt

                                                            leaving her with tiredness and burn-out

                                                                    She looks in the mirror and hates what she sees

 She sees that in this skin she is slowly dying from the insecurity disease

                                       Constantly she examines what she is not

                                             This leaves her mind on one thought


                                             Yup that girl with no purpose

The one who hides so cowardly behind her fears

The one who cant even shed tears

Who is too afraid of opening up

                                  The one who is always telling herself to just give up

                                     The one who never opens doors to new possibilities

Because she believes she does not have any capabilities

                                     She believes she could never be who she is meant to be

                                        Because she refuses to be set free

                                               She stays locked away

                                       Never wanting to experience a new way

                                        She finds comfort in trusting only herself

                               Because to many people placed her on a book shelf

                                           Why cant she just change

                                        Why is her heart so hard to rearrange

                                           Why cant there be some peace

                                       Its because its her heart she can't release.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Indifferent

Known to be the one who is different

The one who accepts the name indifferent

The one who does not go along with societies meanings

and feelings about life

The one who does not fit life's stereotypes.

but stabs ignorance deep with a knife

The one who never was named brave

But was once life's slave
With chains of opinion shackled to her mind

Which left her eyes of truth blind

She was once the one who always felt left behind

Just a fading memory that no one cared to find

She never would stand for her dreams

Instead she lost them in her eyes when she cried streams

She refused to hear her heart's screams

She would let them choke to death

Enough that she could fake joys breath

She was hiding and often lying

In the shadows she hid her desires 

She let her true self die in the fires

She wanted to be free in this life, however she only knew strife

A strife that was colored by brokenness, pain and fear

She could not see anything clear

Opinions of others brought her death and the ending of her life was near

She soon began to grow tired and weary 

Her life became more and more bleary.

She wanted a new beginning

Something or Someone that would give her meaning

That would leave her heart singing

But what and how would be so willing?

Whose love would be unending

And would be so forgiving



He saw all of her shame

And took on all of the blame

He gave her a new name

He wanted her to win

And know the beauty and truth that was within

He gave her beauty for her ashes

All because he took all of her sin's slashes

For her Father in heaven gave her more

He opened her heart's door

She non longer had to be the world's minion

because He  gave her dominion

She held captive every lie satan placed in her head 

She put on instead every word that He said

This is the beauty  in her Father's blood that was shed

You see it wasn't just an accident that she was born different

She was meant to accept the name indifferent

She was never meant to accept life's lies

She was born to rise

She was born again because God heard her  cries

He gave her  vision 

And the power to fight against division

He set her free 

To her calling he gave her the key

Inside waiting for her was a beautiful growing tree

You see

The one who was Known to be different

Was once me

But God showed me who I could really be

I was born to be His child

He looked upon me even in my sin and smiled

Why you may ask?
Because He was ready to take off my mask
He was ready to teach me a new task

To speak of his love
And how it can only be experienced from the one up above

You were made to be different my friends

Its time to stop looking through the wrong lens

Its time to experience a new name

You see life is not a game

You don't want your true life to burn up in a flame

It is your life he wants to claim

May this poem hit your hearts deeply

Because for your life he died and it was not paid cheaply.

The Struggles In Life

       If we were to take a magnifying glass to look at our lives from a distance what would we see? We might see  how many times someone has wronged us, how many times we  made mistakes, the times we failed or fell down, the pains of our heart's deepest secrets, and the tears we shed. In a sum we would see life's struggles. Looking back at life's struggles can either be difficult or easy for some us. However, we each can say at least we have learned or grown from one of those struggles. Now for another question why are struggles so important?

   Struggles shapes us into the person we're meant to be. Without struggles we would be trees slumping low, and dried out. Our branches would easily break because our soil, which is our foundation, would be weak, with little nutrience. We would be weak when winds blow, and rain pours. 

    You see struggles are the bitter sweet seeds that helps us grow. We may not like the first taste of those seeds, however the after taste is sweet. Struggles are a part of us and it makes us. Without them we would never be the person we were meant to be.

- Lady M

Phenomenal Woman

“Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms                                                                                      
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal womanThat's me.”      
― Maya Angelou

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Plan

Making A Plan

Hello My Blog Readers!

Today's topic is on Making a Plan!

Making a plan of action for your life is very important! You may wonder why its so important? Let me ask you a question. What do builders do before building? They have to make a..... BLUE PRINT

If a builder fails to have a Blue Print they will have no guide on how to build. The same goes for OUR LIVES. We need a Blue Print. Without it we will not be able to build off of anything. This goes for seeing a vision or dream. The Blue Print of your life is important. The next question is how do you create a Blue Print?


The 1st Step

What is the Vision (Idea): What has God shown you or what do you see or believe?
Remember that your Blue Print is not for everyone, its for you! You do not need anyone's approval other than God!

The Second Step

Make A Plan: Pray over the plan. Ask God to help you make this plan.
Then have someone hold you accountable of this plan. Set goals and objectives. Then hang it on your wall so that you can see the vision (Blue Print of Your Life).

Third Step:

Take Action: Don't Sit Down, Go Start Building!
 Now that you created the Blue Print its time to build! Life is to short. You don't get another life. This is your JOB. You will not get rehired! So go after it today, not tomorrow! After you read this go start!

Thanks for reading! Stay Tuned for the next topic!
-Lady M

What happens if they the dont' have a

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Beauty of Singleness

The Beauty and The Beast

This week has been a new beginning and journey for me spiritually. It amazes me how God speaks even when we choose to ignore Him, specially in an area we struggle in. How much mercy He gives despite our disobedience. He constantly makes a way for us and is patient. God is so loving and sometimes I personally forget that. Over the course of the week I had an encounter with God through Him speaking to me through others on the gift of singleness. I will admit to you this subject is not that popular in our society, especially in a certain age bracket. However, we must face this subject with truth and honesty. So here goes.

Singleness- The Beauty and The Beast

I remember as a child I was hooked on Disney movies that involved the prince finding the princess. I wanted the fairy tale of true love. The prince saving me and being perfect. Without making mistakes or causing me any hurt or harm, I wanted it all. That mentality never went away. I found myself constantly thinking about an enchanted romance daily. I tell you those Disney movies can create a false hope and an unrealistic view of what love is. I continued to live my life according to the notion that I would get married and have a prince. I created a future and even set an age of when that future would take place! Can you believe I set an age! How crazy is that! I know we all have done it. I even played house and was known as the queen of playing a wife at my preschool.  When it was play time I would always put on my princess dress that was sparkly and pink just like the princesses in the Disney Movies. I would wait for my prince and we would literally get married every day. Now that I look back on it I laugh, but I also notice my pattern. I notice that being married or being in a relationship has always been my idol. The question is why? The longing for acceptance, fulfillment, affection, validation, worth, success, pleasure, attention? We all may struggle with this or struggled with it in the past.

Society has placed a false reality that being married is better than being single and it goes the same way for being single and not being married. However; both are gifts. If we go by the world's definition on singleness we will forever be lost in a false reality that has no truth. God's instruction on singleness and marriage is truth, however we create our own truth or listen to the world's truth. I know that I personally have. Admitting that we believe the false truth about singleness is not easy. It took me trial and error to see the false reality in singleness. Even with warning I still believed in the wrong meaning of singleness. However, God showed me time and time again the truth. It was then up to me to accept His truth or reject it. I rejected it and found nothing but more loneliness and despair. I have learned through my mistakes and writing about it brings the lie to the light and causes freedom. I want to write about my struggles and be truthful with my readers, so that there can be change.

I had the privilege of opening up to my mentors and sisters in Christ on this struggle. I must admit I was stunned to hear what married women had to say about marriage. They were truthful with me and all the counsel I received lined up with the word of God. The bible verse that each lady stated was the message that Paul wrote about singleness:

" I want you to be free from anxieties. The unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to please the Lord. But the married man is anxious about worldly things, how to please his wife, and his interests are divided. And the unmarried or betrothed woman is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit. But the married woman is anxious about worldly things, how to please her husband. I say this for your own benefit, not to lay any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord."- 1 Corinthians 7:32-35  

They referred to Paul and how when your single you have more time to devote to God. You see many of us fail to see the beauty in singleness. This allows us to devote our all to God. We have the time to use all we have for God and for God alone. That is amazing when you think about it. Knowing that we have nothing else to focus but God is beautiful. When we focus on getting married or who our spouse will be, it  takes away the time we have with God. Not to mention the calling He has on our life. This becomes idolatry and even turns into a burden. We find that our identity is founded in this notion of finding "the one". When the truth is, "that one" is already here. His name is Jesus! He is all that we need and we are His Bride!  God has our lives in His hands and knows what is best for us. It is hard to believe that, but we have to believe that He has our best interest in mind. That is truth.

Thank you for listening.

(Stay Tuned For My Next Post, More To Come..) - Lady M

#Singleness #God #Jesus #Love

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Show Me

Show me my pain

I'm tired of sitting here under clouds felt with rain

That drops heavy tears of pain

I want to see the sun of beauty

I no longer desire my heart to be moody

I want to experience a peace so deep as the ocean

No longer wanting to feel my histories of  commotion

Let the peace of the sun fall upon me

Let it grow with in me like a tall strong tree

Never breaking down at sea

But rides lifes waves fearlessly

And only living life courageously

May I become strong like iron

That is made stronger in the firer

I desire to shine brighter

I want to be life's fighter

I want you to show me my pain

So I can let go of life's chains

By:Michelle M

Peeling Back The Onion

Peeling Back The Onion

Greetings readers!

Life has its storms and rains, most of the time we are to busy to deal with the after math, or maybe we are to fearful to deal with the pain that was left. Whatever the reasoning may be sooner or later we have to begin our healing journey. We can't control life events, however we can control dealing with our issues we hide from ourselves. I like to think of our problems like an Onion. How do you peel an onion? It is a process, there is a lot of discomfort when peeling as well. You will cry due to the odor of the onion and you have to be patient to get to the core of the onion. It is not a fast process, there are steps to be taken until you reach the core. Just like an onion it is the same for us. The Healing Process is not something that happens over night. There are many layers of pain built up in our hearts that must be slowly peeled back. The journey will be well worth it in the end. There will be some hard days of crying, frustration, and anger, but all these things are a part of the process.

However when your journey is finally complete you will walk in freedom and peace. All the emotions that came out of your process were the keys to your breakthrough!

Secret Angel Now is the time to start! Now is the time to heal!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Greetings everyone! Please take a look at this meditation video on healing.