Wednesday, February 22, 2017


 I can make this happen! I just have to start with emailing this person back, call that person, but wait I have to first finish writing my blog, and then I need to make dinner. (Phone rings).. "Hello?"

You can see that  the start of this blog post went SOUTH! I mean just look at how my check list was going and out of no where someone calls. Then I  found myself having a 1 hour conversation that took up more time. How did that happen so quickly? Let me explain, it is called DISTRATIONS! How many of us are overly involved in working or organizations? Show of hands anyone? (I'm actually raising both of my hangs  lol) Yup I thought you would be raising your hand. You see this is a prime example of being overly committed and having to many things on your plate. Things that actually shouldn't even be on your plate are taking up room in your life. The extra things on your plate is only going to make you full to the point  that you won't be able to digest it. So, the question is why do we hold on to these extra things on our plate? It's because we don't like change, we like to be busy, and quite honestly it makes us feel successful. All these things are dangerous, because it can and will cause burn out.We become, so effectuated with things we don't even need to be focused on. Again I must say it DISTRACTIONS!  Distraction's are not our friends. Distractions are used as a block to keep us from fulfilling our purpose. We lose sight of what's important in the now. We have seasons in life that are vital. These seasons need concentration and organization. Distractions create chaos and confusion. It does not add to our lives, but takes away from our lives. So, today I want you to make a list of things or even people that you don't need on your plate.  Below are some steps to take if you want to get rid of those distractions.
  • Write down a plan on how to eliminate the distractions,.
  •  Once you make the plan, set starting dates and stick with it.
  • Do not allow these distractions on your plate! You can manage your time.
  • Ask for accountability.
  • Keep track of what's important in this season
  • Identify what if feels like with distractions and without distractions
I hope this will help. Well back to life I go! Until next time. Stay focused and don't give in!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Move Forward

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Are you moving forward today or are you stuck in your past?
You see moving forward takes action.  It takes you getting out of a place of comfort and walking into a place of challenge. Moving forward should not be a cute face book status of the day, it should be an actual life style. How often do you find yourself saying, "I will do it tomorrow." If that sounds like you it is time to WAKE UP! Time is never on our side. Your life is moving through time even if you don't like it. So why watch it fly by without fulfilling your purpose? There is a passion within you that is ready to be birthed. Often times we become fearful of the power we possess. We would rather ignore it like it's an aggravating fly that keeps buzzing in our ear. How sad is that? You are sitting on your purpose? There are many Doctors, Authors, CEOs, Painters, Actors, Poets and so on in the grave. They never fulfilled their purpose. To make things worse they could not move forward because fear controlled them. That doesn't need to be you! Failure is a part of the journey. Failing teaches you lessons that are vital for your purpose.  Being afraid of failure will only hold you back. Allow failure to be a steping stone for your triumph. Nothing in this world comes easy. It takes time, effort, determination, falling down and getting right back up. So....are you going to get up? Are you going to move forward today? Don't let anything keep you from your destiny, that includes you! MOVE FORWARD<3

Image result for quotes about moving forward maya angelou