Wednesday, February 22, 2017


 I can make this happen! I just have to start with emailing this person back, call that person, but wait I have to first finish writing my blog, and then I need to make dinner. (Phone rings).. "Hello?"

You can see that  the start of this blog post went SOUTH! I mean just look at how my check list was going and out of no where someone calls. Then I  found myself having a 1 hour conversation that took up more time. How did that happen so quickly? Let me explain, it is called DISTRATIONS! How many of us are overly involved in working or organizations? Show of hands anyone? (I'm actually raising both of my hangs  lol) Yup I thought you would be raising your hand. You see this is a prime example of being overly committed and having to many things on your plate. Things that actually shouldn't even be on your plate are taking up room in your life. The extra things on your plate is only going to make you full to the point  that you won't be able to digest it. So, the question is why do we hold on to these extra things on our plate? It's because we don't like change, we like to be busy, and quite honestly it makes us feel successful. All these things are dangerous, because it can and will cause burn out.We become, so effectuated with things we don't even need to be focused on. Again I must say it DISTRACTIONS!  Distraction's are not our friends. Distractions are used as a block to keep us from fulfilling our purpose. We lose sight of what's important in the now. We have seasons in life that are vital. These seasons need concentration and organization. Distractions create chaos and confusion. It does not add to our lives, but takes away from our lives. So, today I want you to make a list of things or even people that you don't need on your plate.  Below are some steps to take if you want to get rid of those distractions.
  • Write down a plan on how to eliminate the distractions,.
  •  Once you make the plan, set starting dates and stick with it.
  • Do not allow these distractions on your plate! You can manage your time.
  • Ask for accountability.
  • Keep track of what's important in this season
  • Identify what if feels like with distractions and without distractions
I hope this will help. Well back to life I go! Until next time. Stay focused and don't give in!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Move Forward

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Are you moving forward today or are you stuck in your past?
You see moving forward takes action.  It takes you getting out of a place of comfort and walking into a place of challenge. Moving forward should not be a cute face book status of the day, it should be an actual life style. How often do you find yourself saying, "I will do it tomorrow." If that sounds like you it is time to WAKE UP! Time is never on our side. Your life is moving through time even if you don't like it. So why watch it fly by without fulfilling your purpose? There is a passion within you that is ready to be birthed. Often times we become fearful of the power we possess. We would rather ignore it like it's an aggravating fly that keeps buzzing in our ear. How sad is that? You are sitting on your purpose? There are many Doctors, Authors, CEOs, Painters, Actors, Poets and so on in the grave. They never fulfilled their purpose. To make things worse they could not move forward because fear controlled them. That doesn't need to be you! Failure is a part of the journey. Failing teaches you lessons that are vital for your purpose.  Being afraid of failure will only hold you back. Allow failure to be a steping stone for your triumph. Nothing in this world comes easy. It takes time, effort, determination, falling down and getting right back up. So....are you going to get up? Are you going to move forward today? Don't let anything keep you from your destiny, that includes you! MOVE FORWARD<3

Image result for quotes about moving forward maya angelou

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Resting Place

She came to a stop
Deeply she breathed in and out and looked all around her
She had slammed right into this huge large fork
She felt her heart drop
What had her world come too
She wondered had she missed some type of clue
You see she was on a journey and this for her  wouldn't do
She looked around her even high to the sky
But it was looking pretty gray and dry
She started to panic because her wings were in pain 
and that meant she could no longer fly
All she could do was look at the the large fork in the road and ask why
She felt like this huge fork wanted her to just give up and no longer 
She fell and arched her face right in the dirt and began to cry
This darn fork was blocking her next step
She had so many goals and places to go she felt like if others knew she would lose her rep
She really didn't know what to do 
Because the wind just blew and blew
and her wings could not go over the big huge fork
and the more she looked at it, it just grew and grew
So from flying she withdrew 
She let her wings hide behind her back
She felt her shame and her heart and soul began to turn black
Her journey was off track
What was she to do
 Let her dreams rot like mildew 
Was she suppose to just wait
Would this throw her journey off and leave her coming in to late
Would she miss her goals date
This waiting game by this fork in the road she knew she would hate
But little did she know this was her journeys fate
This fork was the very thing that would make her feel great
Struggle is a part of the plan
This waiting  will teach her to always say  that she can
You see this young woman's wait was God saying stay her for awhile with me
Its God saying to her my daughter sit here and rest and don't you dare flee
For it is this very fork that holds your futures key
Without resting what could you really be
Your mind will go blank
Because you refuse to fill up your tank
Just listen to me and sit here and rest
Stop worrying about taking the next test
Stay right her my beautiful child and lay your head against my chest
You are tired and weary
and your vision has become bleary
So just sit here and rest
Because in waiting in me you will find my best
So cast your burden on me and I will sustain you
For I am the fork that you need to cleave to
And my daughter I shall never permit the righteous to be moved
And remember that no matter what happens even at this point that 
in me you are approved
She smiled at the fork in the road and new that it was true
She said Lord I love you
So she embraced the stop
and into rest she decided to drop.

(C) by: Michelle M

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


The day we give our hearts over to God, surrendering all we have, is the day we will discover freedom. His love will grow so deeply in our hearts, because there is finally room for him to love us fully. You see we have to make that room. We have to make that choice that God is all we need! There is nothing or no one who could be enough for us other than Christ! He is enough for us! He designed us to need Him! However, we try to recreate ourselves to be different from God's original design. We allow ourselves to be creator instead of creation. God sees our idolatry and yet we still say we love Him. To love God is to know Him. How can we know Him when we are to busy knowing other things? Creator and creation are not the same roles. Yet we try to make these two roles into what it was never created to be. God  should be our focus, not ourselves or people. When we allow God to take His rightful position in our lives, that is when all things will be in order. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."- Matt 6:33 Are we seeking God or creation? Let us be reminded that we did not design ourselves nor this earth. How dare we think we are higher than God. Imagine the hurt we cause Him. We can't say we love God and do as we want. That isn't love. We have taken love and placed our own definition on it, which then comes against God, because we care more about our personal desires. We should only be about our Father's business. What business do we have without Him? Freedom comes through total submission to God. This is also called obedience. We no longer will be slaves to sin. "For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin."- Romans 6:6  Let us leave what is old behind us! It is time to experience God's love in total surrenderance. That is how we will experience FREEDDOM.
""I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me"- Galatians 2:20

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

That Word We All Hate: FAILURE


I mean honestly who wants to talk about failure or the possibility that we all will fail at something in life? But the fact is we need to talk about it!


You see failure is important to discuss, because it is a part of success. 

Before we start.... Take a deep breath, because we are diving deep in today's topic. This may be hard to take in. 

It's important to understand that not one of us, and I mean not one of us is perfect. It's unrealistic for anyone to think their perfect. Not one person in history has been referred to as being “perfect”. Look at all the Presidents we've had. Do you remember any of them not making any mistakes? Look at Albert Einstein for example. Einstein is known in history to be the world’s #1 genius of all time, however; he was not always considered a genius. As a young child Einstein was thought to be slow by his teachers. He even was expelled from school, because of his rebellious ways. Yet, this is the same man that won the Nobel Prize and led the way for the United States through his research on the atomic bomb. How many times did Einstein fail? Well, we will never know that exact amount, but we do know he failed. His failure was a part of his growth, which ultimately led to his success.

How will we ever be able to succeed if we don't fail at something? I like to think of failure as the growing pains of life. Failure teaches and matures us. It gives us variety and ultimately becomes a teaching tool for us and others we come in contact with in life. When we fail at something it can become our very own lesson plan. We can use our lesson plan to teach someone else who may be facing the same experiences that we once faced. Failure helps us learn to not give up. If we truly learn to embrace failure we will learn to fight and excel beyond belief. Nothing in this world comes easy, if that was the case struggles would not exist. We will always be students in life no matter what age, because we are forever growing. 

Your greatest challenges are the stepping stones to success. Failure is seen to be negative, when in fact it is positive, because it is needed. It teaches us that we are not perfect, and that we are learners in life. How will we ever learn to lead if we have never failed before? That C you may have gotten will teach you to work for the A you desire. That failed relationship you had will teach you how to have a better relationship for the future. That mistake you made, is the same mistake you can teach someone else not to make. Embrace your failures. Learn that you aren't perfect and that's ok. Rome was not built in one day, and your story is not going to be written in one day either. It is an unending chapter full of losses and wins, and that my friends is all a part of the journey.

-CO:Michelle M

- Until Next Time- The Counselor

Monday, August 3, 2015

Life Is A Journey Not A Destination

Your journey is waiting for you today.It looks like a long road ahead I know. It may even be scary. However, it is waiting for you to start today. This journey may not be easy, but it is the journey that you must take. Why is it important to start this journey? It's important because this journey is your calling. It was designed just for you. There will be trials and tribulation in this journey, but don’t fear this, it will make you strong.  In this journey you will also experience joy and celebration; there will be special times you will never forget. You will fail and then get back up again. You will also experience growing pains that will mold you into the person you are meant to be. This journey is your life, and it is not a destination. Some of us have decided to settle and not take this journey. When you settle, you make up in your mind that you have reached your destination. A journey is completely different than that. When you take the journey of life you won't settle, because you want to grow and expand. On a journey you go after your dreams, and your dreams become reality. If you settle you will never know the amount of potential you have. If you are breathing right now it’s not too late. 

Start today! Get up and get going your journey is waiting for you!

Monday, July 27, 2015


What is your distraction currently in your life today? Just take a minute to think about it and also ask God to show you.

I hope that in the moment you took you became aware of the distractions in your life. You see being aware of your distractions is important. Not being aware is dangerous and harmful to your journey.
We sometimes may think our distractions aren't that big or even risky. However, they are big and risky.

Distractions will keep you from being focused on your calling, and ultimately you will lose focus on your mission. You can even become a slave to your distractions. Distractions can control and limit you. The scariest part is that distractions can blind you from seeing what’s important. This will leave you lost and stagnant. On your journey you can't travel with distractions, because it will hinder your vision. Look at the picture above, you can see that the rock is blocking the other side of the road. Can you see what’s behind that rock? It’s almost impossible to see what’s behind it! This is an example of what distractions can do to your life.
 Do you want to be able to see again? Are you ready to continue on your journey with vision? Now is that time. This is the day to start. You have been distracted for far too long. There is something waiting for you on the other side of that rock! No longer do you have time to entertain your distractions. It's time for you to put your priorities first, you only have 1 journey, so live it out to the best of your ability.

-Lady M

(Thanks for listening <3)